Super quick Cinema 4D tip, but a really, really useful one. It’s sometimes the easy/simple things that save the most time and hassle. I hope it helps you out!Read More
You feeling like some retro vibes? Remco saw a picture of a portable Sony television from days gone by and of course, being Remco, decided he had to model it. The result is an absolutely stunning and nostalgic model! And of course, being the generous guy he is, he’s letting you all have it. So, download,...Read More
I found a really awesome rig hidden deep in the bowels of the Cinema 4D content browser. If you haven’t heard of it, check this quick video out. It’s a primer for how to use the rig. Just a heads up, the free rig is available in R17 and above. Hope this helps you out!Read More
Remco van der Meer modeled a beautiful, clean, modern house model for you and we are giving it away for free. The model is for Cinema 4D and can be used for commercial or personal use, just not for stock or re-sale. If you make anything cool with it, or any of our other freebies...Read More
In this Cinema 4D R18 quick tip I’ll show you a new quick way to make extrusions that render a lot faster than displacement. It’s the new “Parallax Offset” feature. Hope this is useful to you. Check out our Procedural Material Pack here: More
This is the third and final installment of Remco’s old brick buildings freebie series! You should now be able to create a lot of great scenes including castles and old brick style environments. This download has a handful of brick castle tower models in various sizes and shapes. Huge thanks to Remco for sharing so...Read More
Remco van der Meer modeled a whole collection of beautiful buildings and is giving them away! Here is the second batch! Included are 3 different 17th Century Dutch style brick houses. They are C4D models and you can use them for personal or commercial use, just don’t use them for resale or in stock. Thanks...Read More
Just a little beginners tutorial on how to set up spline dynamics in Cinema 4D so you can have cables, ropes etc. that are dynamic. Hope it helps! The model used is from our Events and Venues Pack you can find in our store here: More
Remco van der Meer modeled a whole collection of beautiful buildings and is giving them away! We have some more in the pipeline so keep your eyes out, but right now we have two old brick houses for you. They are C4D models and you can use them for personal or commercial use, just don’t...Read More
This is the Pixel Lab “Low Poly Scenery Pack!” I’ve teamed up with Remco and we have created over 75 low poly C4D models that will hopefully save you tons of time on your projects. We also included 6 full scenes that have different color schemes that you can pick from. This video was created by a customer, Joe G....Read More