I have a great freebie for you today! This model was created by Rick Ellis from rickdellis.com It’s a high quality full 3D scene of a gas/petrol station. Feel free to use for your projects, just make sure to take off the station logo and substitute your own so you don’t violate any copyright issues. Huge...Read More
I’m not sure how I’ve missed Simon Russell’s work for so long but I came across his site this week and was very inspired. He has some great free resources and I wanted to make sure you know about them. Gridify Gridify is a free preset rig for generating really cool and intricate patterns with...Read More
Remco has created a beautiful barber chair model and is sharing it with everyone. It’s free for commercial or personal use, enjoy! Thanks Remco for a great model! To download all of our free models just join our e-mail newsletter and you will get access to everything! Click here to join our newsletter Read More
UPDATE: Thanks to all of you guys for commenting and pointing me in the right direction. A special thanks to Charlie Davies for figuring out what I did wrong. Turns out it’s a really easy fix and the technique doesn’t require all the manual tweaking, thankfully! So, here is the updated video on how to...Read More
I imagine there are quite a few hipsters checking this site out, so just for you we have a free C4D Hipster Glasses model. It doesn’t come with a macbook, flannel shirt, latte and a mustache, but it’s a start. Included is a flat version and a version of glasses that are rounded. Thanks Remco for...Read More
Hey everyone, quick Cinema4D tip today to help you speed up your workflow. Watch it, and DO IT! Post that you took 5 seconds to do this in the comments so I can sleep better at night and not worry about you. Read More
Remco created an awesome free C4D model of a Marquee Sign! Feel free to use for commercial use or personal use, just not in resale or stock. Enjoy! To get the model just sign up for our newsletter to get access to over 400 free models! When you join you will get a follow up...Read More
Hey everyone, I have a quick tutorial on the cloth tag, caching a cloth tag and some ways to use it. If you’ve ever had problems using cloth and moving a cloth object around your scene, this will help you out! Read More
Hey! Free model time! This 3D C4D cactus plant model was created by Matthew Cooksey. He did an awesome job on it, so make sure to thank him in the comments. I’m so thankful for a community which is always raising the bar and yet remains so selfless and sharing! We now have over 75...Read More