Quick overview of volumetric lights in C4D and how to set up underwater God Rays. Hope it helps you out! Get the free C4D 3D SeaLab model hereRead More
If your scene is really dense, sometimes your focus picker seems to just jam up and not work which is quite frustrating. This is a super simple tip but the quick hack will help you pull focus without any hassle. Hope it helps!Read More
In this tutorial I’ll show you a little render region hack in Cinema 4D to save you a ton of time when rendering. Kind of a cool little technique I discovered! Hope it helps you out.Read More
Cinema 4D quick tip on getting more control of your shaders. Learn to use a feature in the reflectance channel called the layer mask to have part of your material be reflective and part of it be matte or non-reflective. Hope this helps you out!Read More
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up your Octane scene so you can “catch” shadows by using a Matte option. This will help out with your compositing in AE. Hope it helps!Read More
Quick overview of my new favorite tool in C4D Octane: the Scatter Object. It’s incredible for handling a bazillion clones with ease. Dig in! Also, here is the free coca cola bottle model if you want it.Read More
Super quick, but hopefully helpful. If you need to add an alpha texture, here are a couple things to keep in mind. Also, if you have that nasty white pixel fringe on your alpha channel, hopefully this technique will fix that. Cheers!Read More