Want to bake to Alembic when using a huge Cloner particle animation? This Cinema 4D tip will show you how to do it in a way that gives you them “speed gainz.” Hope it helps! Btw, if you want to learn more about Alembics and why you should use there, here’s a great primer: https://youtu.be/30f9u0jMGxYRead More
In this C4D tut I’ll show you how to use the brand new Pyro in Cinema 4D! It’s a super fun plugin for making fire and smoke. I’ll show you how to use it for creating a smoke burst text transition/reveal. Enjoy!Read More
In this C4D tutorial I’ll show you how to select individual clones and then hide them. It’s perfect if you have some straggling clones or ones that are intersecting. Now you can easily art direct your cloned object and hide specific clones with the mograph selection tool.Read More
In this C4D tut I’ll show you how to use a vertex map to apply different forces, like turbulence, to very specific areas of your scene. This way you can stack multiple forces that respond differently depending on your needs. I’ll also show you a tip for blending your ocean plane into a background HDRI...Read More
In this C4D and Redshift tutorial I’ll show you how to set up light groups so you can render out all your lights separately and have TONS of control in post production. It’s a great technique if you want to link up a light strobe to a sound track etc. Hope you learn something new!Read More
In this tutorial I’ll show how to use the Place Tool and Dynamic Place Tools in Cinema 4D to quickly put your objects exactly where you want them. If you’re populating your scene, or need to create a random and organic placement for multiple objects, these tools will save you TONS of time. Get after...Read More
Get Hard Surfaces Here, it’s now 100% FREE!!! www.thepixellab.net/hardsurfaces If you’ve ever used the Cinema 4D Volume Builder and Volume Mesher and have had issues with artifacts on your final mesh then this tip might be of use. We’ll use the Curvature Map you can generate with fields and then use a Smoothing Deformer to...Read More
In this C4D tutorial I’ll show you a great technique to make your text turn into a jiggly jelly! We’ll go over some concepts that apply to a lot of other things. You’ll learn how to use the remesh tool, how to create a vertex map using fields and curvature and how to use the...Read More
In this super quick tutorial I’ll show you a technique using the new R26 Rope Dynamics to make a text spline reveal. We’ll also use Field Forces, Spherical Field and a Simulation Scene. Make sure to update to the latest R26 version for this to work. Enjoy!Read More
Get Destruction Debris Here: thepixellab.net/vfx-elements-volume-01-destruction-debris Have you ever imported a particle sim from Houdini into Cinema 4D as a .abc Alembic file only to find you can’t even move the position of them? They’re locked down! I found a workaround to get past this annoying problem. I hope it helps!Read More