This free product will do the heavy lifting for you in setting up VDBs for explosions, fire, clouds, portals, smoke and much more!
➡️➡️➡️ Huge thanks to Aharon Rabinowitz for creating the free shader. Give him some love: @AharonRabinowitz
Introducing the world’s first Unreal material library, designed for high-end professional motion graphics with over 340 materials!
Note: there is currently a bug with 5.4. If you are using 5.4 the workaround is temporarily to import into 5.3 and then migrate the VDB asset to 5.4 and the shaders will work fine. Hopefully Epic will fix this bug soon!
If you want more, check out our VDB and VFX Elements which are all compatible with Unreal. Get explosions, fire, clouds, smoke, water and more for your next project!