VFX Elements: VDB Meteors

Incredible Realism

Attention to Detail

Real world characteristics achieved with a VDB Density channel for the smoke and Temperature channel for the fire.


Choose Your Resolution

All 25 elements come in 2 versions: a lower quality one for faster renders and an incredibly high quality version for closeups and hero shots.

Choose your Engine

Incredible flexibility

These can be used in any render engine or 3D app that supports VDBs!

This pack includes 25 VDB meteor animations for the professional 3D artist

VFX Elements VDB Meteor Showers

These VDB Meteor files can be used in almost any render engine or 3D app!

VFX Elements VDB Meteor Showers Guide

Honestly, your VDB’s are the best on the market in terms of creativity and quality – keep up the good work!

John Seymour

Drag and Drop Ready VDB Files for your apocalyptic 3D Renders!

VFX Elements VDB Meteor Showers
VFX Elements VDB Meteor Showers
VFX Elements VDB Meteor Showers
Marcin The Pixel Lab VDB Meteor Shower Volume 3D

Above render by Marcin Flisikowski using VDB Meteors


Any application that supports VDBs like Octane, Redshift, Arnold, V-Ray, Houdini etc.

Lots of hard drive space and fast internet!

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If you want to save 25% off the thousands of assets in our VDB lineup, check out our VDB Bundle!

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VDB Volume 3D Animation VFX Bundle