C4D Tutorial: Pose Morph, Animating Vertex Maps & Tearing Cloth


UPDATE: I posted a follow up tutorial explaining the end set up in more detail so you can see what settings I used. Check it out here: thepixellab.net/c4d-tutorial-tearing-clothbullet-rip-effect

A bit of a different Cinema4D tutorial: a little tip on animating vertex maps with Pose Morph and the Morph Deformer and then how to create a tearing cloth effect the easier way. Video inspired by Adam Schmisek who you can check out here: vimeo.com/schmisek and make sure to follow him on Twitter: @adamschmisek. Also check out the Weight Map Propagation technique by Krotmonster here: vimeo.com/73997991

One of my inspirations for learning about Vertex Maps is Yader, who has over 50 incredible quick C4D tips. He has a few on Vertex Maps which I learned the technique in this video from. Make sure to watch all of his tips for some really creative C4D techniques: https://vimeo.com/yader

If you want the free skull model you can grab it here: thepixellab.net/free-c4d-models-skull-and-ak-47

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